Chadwick’s top concerns for a Kickstarter campaign:
1. Is it patented? Google patents and check if your idea has been patented and if so, is it expired? “Last thing you want to do is copy someone.” (Chadwick Parker) Do not waste time designing something without researching first.
2. Does it improve the experience? The product should improve the experience of the user. Chadwick likes to combine techniques and features in his Kickstarter products to create tools that improve the experience of each user. Steer away from “world’s best” statement as there are many products on the market and it would be rather difficult to be world’s best at something.
3. Is it manufacturable? Are you able to produce it? Talk to manufacturers to determine how to construct a product that isn’t too expensive and difficult to produce.
4. Have a realistic timeline. Create a time line to determine when each step of the product must be complete. Avoid “you said it would be done but it is not” phrase from bakers. “Whenever you think it would be done add a month to it” (Chadwick Parker) Backers enjoy receiving their products before the promised date. Being on time creates trust with backers for future campaigns.
5. Other tips:
a. If manufacturer is struggling, find ways to help them
b. Picking a material with a higher perceived value allows us to charge more
c. Pick the idea you are most excited about even if you have another that is more popular
d. Communicate with manufacturers and provide clear, concise, instructions